Sunday, May 1, 2011

Prom was yesterday and we had a blast! We hired Kayla Cannon to take our pictures; which was way cheaper than taking pictures at the school, and we got more shots, so thanks Kayla! We went to Macaroni Grill for dinner which was great. Katy and Alexx had great fun coloring on the table. After that we went to the dance which was really fun despite the fact that I'm not the best dancer.
Me and Katy

Our Group
Josh, Alexx, Katy, and Me
More pictures coming soon hopefully.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Date #2

It's that special time again in the school year. Prom time. This one was hard because I actually had to ask the girl this time (a first for me). But nonetheless a couple of weeks ago I asked my friend Katy Breinholt to Prom.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Preference Picture.

Our Preference Group.

Shelby and I before the dance.

San Fransisco. Post #2

I promised story's so here they are. We left the school on the 23rd and we got to California on the 24th we spent the entire night on the bus. So then we went to the pier's we went to Ghirardelli Square and pier 39 it was way fun. On our way to another shop after lunch we passed by a restaurant where the one and only Mary and Ron Atwood were sitting. Mary saw me and said to Ron "that was Kristopher!" Ron told her it wasn't of course, I think partly because he just wanted to eat. So Mary comes running out of her restaurant and chases me down the street. Right as I'm about to go into the store I hear "KRISTOPHER!" it scared me so bad! So I turn around and there's Mary. We went back to her restaurant and we talked for a minute and then I had to leave.
We walked across the Golden Gate bridge and then we went to Alcatraz which was so cool.
After that we went to an evensong at a Catholic cathedral. Then we went and got dinner and headed to the hotel. We stayed at Embassy Suites and it was really nice. The next day we went to the California academy of Sciences which was pretty interesting. We got to walk through a rain forest exhibit where we saw some weird snakes and some really huge butterflies.My friend Ally is deathly afraid of butterflies so she had to leave. Then underneath the rain forest was an aquarium. Which was pretty cool I got some pictures of some weird fish.
After we went through the aquarium we went to see a movie in the museum which I fell asleep for most of. There went a good half hour nap.
The next day we went to a symphony which I fell asleep for half of. Another good 45 minute nap.
The last day we were in San Francisco we performed in a cathedral that was enormous!
We went to two masses and sang in both. The second one we got to sit down for part of and yet again I fell asleep. After the masses we went to a sacrament meeting and sang the opening hymn and the rest of the meeting I slept. Yeah I know but I tried really hard not to.
After the sacrament meeting we got on the bus to go home. All in all it was a really fun trip.

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Monday, February 28, 2011

Choir Tour 2011

I just got back. We were excused from school today and since I just spent 15 hours on a bus I decided not to go. I had a great time though, I got to meet a lot of the choir kids that I hadn't before and I got to tour in San Fransisco.
I'm really tired from the trip so today I'm just going to post pictures. Story's to come maybe

Sunday, February 20, 2011

California Here I come.

Okay ton's to say in this post. Yesterday I went to Preference with Shelby Barney, and it was a ton of fun. For our day date we got together with 6 other couples and played Basketball and Spoons. Then we went home to prepare for that night; I took a nap. Since it was a girls choice dance they did all the planning. That night we went to Sierra Wises house for dinner. We had food's of the world that the girls all made. There was so much food and it was so good. My date brought the best salsa that I've ever had. Oh and since there were so many people in our group one of us had to use the plate that said YOU ARE SPECIAL TONIGHT! Guess who got it. Yep me Sierra's mom asked who was on their first date and stupidly I raised my hand. Then she took pictures of me with my YOU ARE SPECIAL TONIGHT plate; of course the camera didn't work so we took about 12 pictures with the plate none of which worked. After the twelfth picture when she went to go look for a different camera and I promptly put food on my plate so we couldn't take anymore. After dinner we took group pictures and couple pictures and played games until the dance. The dance started and Eight and we went at Nine. The dance was at Sleepy Ridge golf course. It was fun but I don't dance much so that wasn't my favorite part of the evening. Everyone at the dance saw Shelby's corsage that my dad had his florist make for me and said it was beautiful and complimented me on my good taste. Thanks Dad. They also liked my tie that matched almost perfectly with her dress. Thanks mom. After the dance we went to Angeles house another girl in my group for second desert which turned out to be crepes. They were so good she made them herself; she's French. We got home at midnight and it was a great first date.
Okay so now for my next Big adventure; on the 23rd I get to go touring with my choir in San Fransisco. The even better part is that I only had 70$ for the whole thing. I sold Fundraiser tickets to my ward which didn't make Erin Lilenquist very happy since she's also attending tour and she was going to try to sell to people in our ward. Sorry Erin! I didn't know until I had already sold 20 tickets. I ended up selling 24 tickets in total earning myself the self appointed title "Best Ticket Seller Person in the Whole World."
So anyway it should be way fun. Pictures to come from Preference hopefully. Love you guys!

Friday, February 18, 2011


So the story starts a couple weeks ago when I was in the choir teacher's office talking to him about tour. One girl that was there at the time said to me "So I hear you got asked to preference." Very confused I said "Did I?" She soon after changed the subject. I dismissed it from my brain and didn't think about it until next period.
I'm sitting in Drama and all of a sudden the TA brings in this huge Men's warehouse bag and hands it to me with this big grin on her face.
So when I got home I opened a bag to find one of those big pinwheel flowers that you stick in your yard with a little card in the middle that said Preference With Me?
The flower was sticking out of a pot that had a bunch of Hershey's assorted chocolate in it. I took it out of the bag and discovered that some of the chocolates had letter's on them. O great a mind game.
45 minutes later I finally figured out that Shelby Barney wanted to go to Preference with me.
I was kind of surprised. I knew Shelby from Footloose but other that that I didn't know her that well. Now I had to answer her so I blew up a bunch of balloons that had star-bursts in them. I put a bunch of pieces of paper in the balloons too. I taped my answer to the bottom of the bag after Krystal suggested it.
I dropped the balloons off at her house and waited till I saw her the next day. Unfortunately she couldn't find my answer. I felt like such a jerk. So I just told her yes right there. So tomorrow I'm going on my first date and I'm freaking out!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

2 years in 2 minutes

Well lets see, since I last posted many things have happened to me, both good and bad.
I finished Junior High last year. I'm now officially a big bad High School kid. My High School experience has been a good one so far. I got into my first "real play" as Kaitlyn likes to call it. Apparently none of the other ones Ive done counted. I did Footloose and I even had a line. Not bad for my first "real production" if I do say so myself. (me after one of the shows)

In efforts to get in touch with my creative side; I started to play the guitar. Unfortunately my creative side is unavailable at this time. I'm awful but I do attend guitar club at Timpanogos High in hopes to learn from the far more talented people that attend. I have two guitars, a Classical Acoustic that my father gave to me, and an Electric Guitar that I got for my birthday.

I'm starting to rehearse for the next production I'm in at Timpanogos. It's a student directed one act called The Game. I have a lead role in this one; I play death. It should be a fun role. Oh and Kaitlyn I think it's playing on March Third and Fourth. I'll make sure though.

On Feb. 23rd I have the opportunity to go on tour with our advanced school choir to San Fransisco. I sold coupon books to raise money for my trip and ended selling 24 books earning myself 450 dollars. I only have to pay 40 dollars out of my pocket to go on this trip. Pretty good huh? I just got into this choir at the semester; it's our advanced choir at Timpanogos.

The next big adventure for me now is to go do a load of dishes. Wish me luck.
