Friday, July 11, 2008

I Eat More

That's the name of my solo for the play. During the begining Mrs. Gloop sings and then I chim in with my moth and hands full of twinkies. Then we do our part together and It's pretty funny the whole rest of the show I walk around and eat twinkies and then i fall in the chocolate river. I do not however get sucked up a tube it's very different. I disepear there's a trapdoor in the the stage and they have fabric covering me so I open up and I'm gone. I want to burn a cd of the soundtrack and give it to you guys. So I actually have to go to play practice right now. So Bye


Christina said...

I eat more is my motto, I would love to hear the song! I am trying to figure out how to get up there for the play. Good luck and sounds like you are having fun!

Frank and Marie said...

Careful with the twinkies. Better nibble on them slowly. A sugar rush could ruin you timing!
Love ya, Grandma

~KellyKapoor~ said...

that sounds hilarious!!! I wish I could see it but a ton is going on cuz I have girls camp next week!

- Jane
